Ma'oz Tzur: Purim Festivity and Formal Absorption into BMC

(March 18, 2025) Marking a second time, Kibbutz Ma'oz Tzur hosted a Purim celebration with an abundance of joviality this time as compared to last year when the celebration was rather subdued, due not only to the two wars, in north-east India and in Israel but also due to paucity of funds. However this year, with the wars having subsided coupled with a generous donor and a designated fund, the community could afford a relatively better one. Our newsletter learnt that about a hundred and fifty people came together to share the community meal that was laid out that day. Apparently, the residents of Ma'oz Tzur were joined by the BMC (B'nei Menashe Council) members as well as a host of others from nearby communities. It was joyful celebration in the true spirit of our forefathers who had overcome an evil plan to annihilate them. This time, too, it was true for the B'nei Menashe who had fled the Imphal valley to escape militant Meitei supremacist who had destroyed their communities, synagogues, livelihoods and had hunted them down to kill. Only providence had saved them. It was indeed a fitting celebration, not only to have survived the ordeal in the last two years but to be able to find shelter and thrive. Degel Menashe's assistance was matched by a generous donor from Israel, Dagan Zolat and his family from Afula, Israel who made this grand celebration possible and special. Dagan is the father of Sgt Gary Zolat who fell in Gaza late last year.

Guests began arriving early in the morning by around 7 am, received warmly by the elders. Following a brief welcome, the ceremony began by the reading of 'Megillat Esther' by Shem Haokip. As the reading concluded at the synagogue, the crowd proceeded to an open ground where a large tent had been erected for the celebration. The organizers had arranged for a small program mainly aimed for the children. Mishloach Manot (presents) were distributed for them and they gave a short presentation in the form of a group dance. As explained by Leah Baite, elementary and pre-school teacher for Ma'oz Tzur's school, that Purim is special for the children. The enthusiasm was palpable, marked by

their happy faces. One of the residents quipped that this, by far, the best celebration Ma'oz Tzur has ever had since its establishment. One goes to hope that this will be the beginning of the many more festivals that will be celebrated here with joy. Purim fell on a Friday this year, so there was a conscious effort to wind up the celebration early to be able to prepare for Shabbat. The meal was served by noon and the revelers sat down for it till it was time to go home. But not without the last but but very important item for the day.

Earlier on, several months ago, the elders of Ma'oz Tzur had been pressing for a recognition from the BMC officials as a full fledged member of the B'nei Menashe community. It had been deliberated and discussed over the last few months. The council had its rules as well as criterions that had to be fulfilled to become one. It was determined that the community had the number required, minyan, a synagogue and even a school. Officials and responsibilities had already been in place with Shem Haokip as the chairman and general secretary, Nathaniel Touthang. In keeping with fulfillment of the requirements it was decided, as per the Bye-Law provision under section 2(c) of the BMC charter, Kibbutz Ma'oz Tzur had come to be instated as the 25th member of the B'nei Menashe community under its fold on Purim, 14th Adar, 5785 or 14th March 2025. This was officially announced by the vice-president, Ovadia Touthang in the presence of members. It was a double joy for the residents of Kibbutz Ma'oz Tzur, celebrating Purim and becoming a fully recognized B'nei Menashe Jewish community, all in one day. In all it was a productive day filled with joy!
