(March 14, 2025) Two days ago on 12th March 2025 (12 Adar, 5785), an event took place in the tiny B'nei Menashe community in India's remote north east that was a cause for excitement and will be remembered for a long time; Dr. Josiah Mate's wedding with Dr. Naomi Tungnung. The ceremony was conducted at Geljang resort overlooking the beautiful lake that bears the same name. Guests numbering several hundreds flocked together to witness this special occasion. Josiah, 32, the second child of Hezekiah and Chingpi Mate, is serving the state government as Medical Officer (M.O) whose exam he had cleared earlier in 2023 (Our newsletter had done a write-up about him: https://www.degelmenashe.org/post/a-b-nei-menashe-doctor-gets-prestigious-posting). He has two sisters, one older and another younger. The family is a member and attends the Beit Shalom Synagogue, Vengnuom, Lamka.

Our newsletter caught up with Dr. Mate, post-wedding and posed a few questions for him. He is Lamka born and bred, attended St. Mary's School and the Ray Burn junior college. After which he sat for a national level medical college entrance examinations. He was declared successful and gained a seat at the prestigious Regional Institute of Medical Sciences at Ranchi, capital of Jharkand (a state in India). He graduated in 2017 and proceeded with his internship and residence. He wanted to pursue his specialization but that was put on hold because of exigencies arising out of the covid crisis. Despite his disappointment, a year later, when it subsided, he sat for Manipur Health Services competitive examinations securing 74th position out of the 124 candidates declared successful. He is currently posted as the Medical Officer for Behiang sub-division in the erstwhile state of Manipur. He told our newsletter that he intends to pursue his further studies and would enroll for specialization very soon. On being asked about his future plans and Israel, he replies that it is the dream of every B'nei Menashe to live in Israel and that he is no exception. "When our turn comes, we'll be ready" he says and continues, "There is one problem which our community faces: the unpredictability of our turn on the aliya. This stands as a challenge to our academic pursuits and aspirations. I plan to begin my specialization very soon but if the aliya comes along while I am in the middle of my studies, I might have to just give it up. A solution to this problem, dilemma has to be found".
Degel Menashe wishes Josiah and Naomi good tidings to become one of the pillars of the B'nei Menashe community, in spirit and in temporal aspirations. Mazal Tov!